Canoeing Distance Tables



Friends of Keji

The Friends of Keji Cooperating Association is made up of a knowledgeable pool of people willing to share their expertise for the betterment of Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site.  We provide an important voice of support, with hands-on and financial assistance for complementary services and activities to visitors. 

Friends of Keji

The Friends of Keji Cooperating Association is made up of a knowledgeable pool of people willing to share their expertise for the betterment of Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site.  We provide an important voice of support, with hands-on and financial assistance for complementary services and activities to visitors. 

Historic Site

“...the cultural landscape of Kejimkujik National Park, which attests to 4000 years of Mi’kmaq occupancy of this area, and which includes petroglyph sites, habitation sites, fishing sites, hunting territories, travel routes and burials, is of national historic significance...”

Species at Risk

The Adopt-A-Turtle program, which is administered through the Friends of Keji Cooperating Association, has 10 turtles available for adoption (males and females) at a cost of $33 for individuals, schools and businesses.

Dark Sky Preserve

Kejimkujik invites you to experience the astronomical depth of its Dark-Sky Preserve. Gaze at brilliant celestial bodies through a telescope, binoculars, or with the naked eye. Go deeper to discover how stars have inspired centuries of story, song and legend. Welcome to Nova Scotia’s darkest sky - and brightest stars

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Friends of Keji

The Friends of Keji Cooperating Association is made up of a knowledgeable pool of people willing to share their expertise for the betterment of Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site.  We provide an important voice of support, with hands-on and financial assistance for complementary services and activities to visitors. 

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Cooperating Association

get in touch

Canoeing Distance Tables

NEW Navigation buoys will no longer be on Kejimkujik Lake. Visitors must come prepared to navigate to their campsite via map and compass and GPS.

NOUVEAU Les bouées de navigation ne seront plus sur le lac Kejimkujik. Les visiteurs doivent être préparer à naviguer vers leur emplacement de camping avec une carte et une boussole et un GPS.


Click each link below for printable pdf files of Canoeing Distances within the park

Kejimkujik Lake Canoeing Distances
Frozen Ocean Loop Canoeing Distances
South District Canoeing Distances
Grafton Lake Canoeing Distances
Upper Mersey River Canoeing Distances

Kejimikujik National Park Weather
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